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For Children 2009

Brno, 19. - 22. 03. 2009

Photo: © Tomas Randysek a Pavel Uhlir

We participated on attendant programme of "For Children 2009" exhibition
until 19th to 22th March 2009.

Assembly of the yards

We placed about 300 metres of track and mobile yard for garden steam models on the pavilion gallery.
We used service lift with operating personel, but we worked very hard until 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The first part of load before
the service lift.

Jirka is hostile to photographers,
I don´t know why.

The service lift.

Next part of the load.

We are beginning to assembly.

Area for the impending station.

Roman and Pavel is discussing
about automatic coupling of the
track. But they to had hands

Petr Prikazky is mounting metal
plate for entrap of ash and oil
from steam locomotives.

Tom is mounting track.

Mount of the platform.

Martin and Tom is mounting
departure gridiron.

In hardworking ...

Finish, we are going to home.

Jirka&Jirka Kut is mounting of
the mobile yard.

The yard IIm and happy
Jirka Kut.


Electric operation

Productive running has been provide under two train sets with electric locomotives. One train set from Strasshof help us on weekend. And Mr Pavlicek with model of diesel locomotive T478 help us on Saturday, too.

Advertising placards.

Krenovic electric engine
with service car.

Train set with Brno electric

Train set with Krenovic electric

The first passengers.

First passengers.

Electric train sets in station.

Boarding and dispatching of

Departure of a train.

On the railway line.

Before the station.

Nursery school visited us on Friday. We had to apply both train sets:

Dependents would like to go around, too - they got reduction of charge, of course.

Love young lady as engine

The circular journey:

Many passengers want to go

A part of rolling-stock.

Mr. Pavlicek´s locomotive T 478:


Steam operation

We are looking forward to steam operation. We wanted to heat up our steam engines Krzenowic and Ponava not only, but Pavel Uhlir brought his new steam locomotive Gromit and Petr Prikazky had a first run his new built lumber locomotive.
We had a first problem on Friday morning when Pavel heated up. Some exhibitors from ground floor of pavilion had a beef about smoke. We have a small amount of anthracite and smithy coal reeked sligtly more. We had to built a trap sidding for smelting on service stairs outside the pavilion. But smoke on stairs mattered by staff, again.
Steam opeartion was restricted in the end - one steam locomotive daily and short time only. The BVV (Brno fairground) have to determine clear rules of operating for next exhibitions. We will not participate, if it be to the contrary.

The locomotive Krzenowic
with service car.

The locomotive Krzenowic
with service car.

Boiler furnace.

Oil adding.

Arrival to the station.

Waiting for departure.

Detail of the locomotive.

Safety valve.

Departure from the station.

Departure from the station.

On the railway line.

I´m pleased - the locomotive
works very well.

Our locomotive had the honour of carry the oldest passenger - Mrs. Adamcova from Austerlitz.
She is 95 years old and she enjoyed journey to the full ...

Martin and Tom are on service:

Locomotive Ponava with
service car.

Locomotive Ponava with
service car.

The first heating-up.

Roman is keep tracking
of the pressure ...

... and pressure is increasing
in the boiler.

We are moving out.

Roman is concentrating
on journey.

On the railway line.

Ponava has safety valve too.

In the station.

On the railway line.

Ponava after journey.

Pavel Uhlir has happened a new owner of 5" locomotive "Gromit". He heated-up this locomotive on fairground for the first time. This is a model of Cuban narrow gauge locomotive, which planters used for transportation of sugar cane. Not only colouring but saddle boiler in the main amount this locomotive very interesting for our conditions and rolling-stock of S.M.P.D.

Locomotive in transportable

In provisory depot.



The first heating-up.

But fire didn´t want to burn.
Pavel had to use compressed air.

Gromit is ready for the first

Engine driver Pavel.

On the railway line with ultimate

Steam inlet regulating.

Gromit with pusher before
the station.

In the station.

On the railway line.

Petr Příkazký přivezl model dřevařské lokomotivy "Klishay", kterou si sám postavil. Lokomotiva má stojatý kotel a je to zase úplně něco jiného, než co jsme zatím na kolejišti měli.

Dřevařská lokomotiva "Klishay".

Dřevařská lokomotiva "Klishay".

Příprava před jízdou.

První zatopení.

Už se kouří z komína ...

Rozvody parního stroje
v pilné práci.

Detail rozvodů.

Petr vyjíždí na trať.

Už se sypu, už se sypu ...

Jenom to přikládání za jízdy
je trošku obtížnější.


Návštěva ze Strasshofu

O víkendu nás navštívila spřátelená parta nadšenců z nedalekého Strasshofu. Přivezli jednu vozovou soupravu s dieselovou lokomotivou a ruční drezínu. Vozová souprava nám přišla vhod zejména v sobotu, kdy byl zájem návštěvníků největší a kapacita našich 6-ti vagonů to absolutně nestíhala.

Rakouská souprava.

Rakouská souprava.

Ruční drezína.

Thomas na ruční drezíně.

Dobrá nálada - základ úspěchu.

Thomas si vyzkoušel řídit jednu
z našich elektrických lokomotiv.

A šlo mu to dobře.

Erich si zase vyzkoušel parní provoz na lokomotivě Krzenowic:


Kolejiště IIm

Kolejiště IIm měl letos na starosti Jirka Kůt. Bohužel někteří účastnící, kteří slíbili účast a pomoc, na poslední chvíli odřekli. Ale Jirka si s tím bez problémů poradil a i když tam byl skoro celou dobu sám, tak se provoz na kolejišti nezastavil. V době svého volna mu vypomáhal jeho syn Jirka a v neděli přijel na pomoc Karel Duda.

Kolejiště IIm.

Zájemci si mohli zakoupit
startovací sadu.

Část vozového parku.

Parní traktor a lokomotiva RhB.

Patinovaná souprava nákladního

Pohled na nákladní soupravy.

Pracovní vůz.

Nákladní vlak.

Nákladní vůz s naloženým

Nákladní vůz s naloženým

Nákladní vůz s naloženým
pásovým traktorem.

Parní tramvaj "Berta"
a lokomotiva "Slatina".

Lokomotiva 99 211.

Lokomotiva "Slatina" s nákladním

Lokomotiva "Stainz".

Jirka při mazání rozvodů.

Diváci sledují provoz na kolejišti.

Diváci sledují provoz na kolejišti.

Zapalování hořáku lokomotivy.

Průjezd nákladního vlaku:

Modely 2007 - Brno

Modely 2008 - Brno
