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Signal box "St2 Orechov"

The signal box St2 will placed between left gridiron and depot´s gridiron.

A kit of signal box
from PIKO company.

Fits of the kit.

Instruction manual.

External walls of the ground

Walls with sticked window
and door.

Assembled the ground floor.

External walls of the 1st floor.

Windows and door of the 1st floor.

Walls with sticked windows
and door.

Assembled the 1st floor.

Ground of the 1st floor
with opening for lighting.

Assembled ground floor
and 1st floor.

Switch stand.


Assembled switch stand and desk.

Interior of the signal box
with railway staff.

Roof parts.

Preparing for sticking of the roof.

Roof assembling.

Assembled roof.


Landing parts.

Assembled landing.

Staircase parts.

Assembled signal box.

Assembled signal box.

Assembled signal box.
